Commission Information

Sunday, May 23, 2010


One of my biiiggest pet peeves; those who disappear in the commission line. If you ever really want to frustrate me, communicate like mad when i'm drawing your stuff up, then disappear off the face of the planet when it comes to paying. nothing I like doing more then essentially hacking away at my very sparse, very precious free time. Bonus points if you do it right before rent is due.

*wrings hands* Now for people who haven't disappeared that I love very dearly.

Dodge Viper car-mission for Harui :D

Not much work done on shereth's. I will be working nearly exclusively on this tomarrow.

Sticker designs!

Also, got my new foster kitten today! He's actuallly not horrible. They always give me the horrible ones, gotta break those suckers like wild horses. this little guy hisses a bit, but he's not going to be much of a hassle at all. Wisconsin trip was also a lot of fun, had my friends get harassed by my grandfather consistantly, blew all sorts of wacky fireworks off, good times :D


  1. yeah thats super lame... :/ glad to hear you're gonna be doing those car commissions soon, im excited to see them drawn! =D

  2. Me too! They'll be a nice break from nature-mc-nature-y stuff.
