Commission Information

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I've got new thiiiinggs!

Quick update: Fixed my old site, up to just feature my pet portrait work and cheapie commissions. Riveting! I'm also advertising on Furbuy, Furaffinity (hopefully) and maybe in a magazine. So far i've gotten 8 clicks! HELL YEAH, BABY

Few things, buncha WIP's with no real finished work. *sad trumpet*

First up, Current commission:

Next, Personal neri picture from some time back. Probably the closest done:

Update on the Grandma picture :
It's current stage is: Being a little pain in the ass about that flower. Still working on it.

Sooo, then we have some watercolor guff:

Some finished commissions:

Aaanndddd, yeah, i think that's the gist. Finished that bloody commission from earlier as well.

Also got out Caelum #1's teaser:

Goddamn. Someone get me a smoke.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


WIP this time, next big color commission.

Worked on the Caelum Animatic last night, got a teaser all pulled together, but the format pissed off my computer. Ah well. I'll work on it next week.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A whole bunch more of crazy crap for you.

I've been busy. You'd think i'd post something in these ten days, but ffff, that's not the case. Laaazzzyyyy in some ways. Not in others. Mainly the artistic way. See how things come full circle? Been busy.

I'm making my first animatic. It's kinda a key-d down version of full flash, or full pencil animation, it's easier, most of all. ^^^ first picture up there is one of the 'memories' from it, in full color while the rest will be greyscaled.

I'm going through a trial quit of my SNS job. 2 month leave. Things have been successful, gives me a lot of good hope for the future. Started offering Cheapie commissions, little 5x7 things of people's characters that get sent to them. Been doing well.

I've got 15 other orders (admittently, for two people total) that i'll be working on, until we get to 50. Keep this up, and I'll probably extend another 50 out there. it's great fun.

Finally, finished up a portrait for my aunt of her dog, griffy.

I'll be working on another commission tonight, and put together that animatic, putz around with that. Things are good right now though, at this moment. Things are just... good.:)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A whole crazy bunch of watercolor guff for you.

- Done on my birthday,Jan 26th

-Done the 26th as well, 4 fifteen minute watercolor paintings

Birthday gifts from others!:

- Done today, starting our gouache segment of class.

So i've been very busy. The above picture's a sorta preview of two paintings i'll be doing that will be included in the Animatic Caelum, chapter 1. I've been animating/ drawing it so far, and i'm really excited. Just gotta keep up the motivation. Sausabe/Secretagentcat is working on the music right now, i got my Raziel voice if need be (still debating it), and i'll be voicing Neri. I've been practicing!

Also working on a stuffed animal that I hope to finish today, and working on my aunt second dog picture. Other then that, i've only had time for sketching and writing like a literary banshee.